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    Post count: 7

    I replaced the MAX31855 chip today and finally I´m not getting any input errors at all. Seems that the chip was broken…

    Post count: 7

    I have the same problem as you have. I already checked the ospid for poor solder points and tried out 5 different thermocouples.
    But i found nothing, the error is still there.
    I did a small workaround in the firmware, and I hope that works (didn´t debug/test yet)

    double readThermistorTemp(int voltage)
    static double oldTemp = -999;
    static int cnt = 0;
    float R = REFERENCE_RESISTANCE / (1024.0/(float)voltage - 1);
    float steinhart;
    steinhart = R / THERMISTORNOMINAL; // (R/Ro)
    steinhart = log(steinhart); // ln(R/Ro)
    steinhart /= BCOEFFICIENT; // 1/B * ln(R/Ro)
    steinhart += 1.0 / (TEMPERATURENOMINAL + 273.15); // + (1/To)
    steinhart = 1.0 / steinhart; // Invert
    steinhart -= 273.15; // convert to C

    //eliminate big measurement error peaks
    if((oldTemp != -999) && (abs(oldTemp - steinhart) > 10) && (cnt < 5))
    steinhart = oldTemp;
    cnt = 0;
    oldTemp = steinhart;

    return steinhart;
    Post count: 7
    Post count: 7

    Great idea 🙂

    Post count: 7

    @hairykiwi wrote:

    What oven are you using? And what Profile and PID settings did you use?

    It is a modified Severin TO 2035 with an additional 1500W heating element at the top, so now it has 3000W.
    Also I modified the firmware (io.h) a bit, to use both relais at the same time.
    Here is the profile:

    JedecPB		//first row is Profile Name
    3, 40, 0 //Step Setpoint to 40, wait 0 seconds
    2, 0, 0 //Wait for PID Input to cross setpoint
    1, 100, 60 //ramp setpoint to 100 over the course of 60 seconds
    2, 0, 0 //Wait for PID Input to cross setpoint
    1, 140, 90 //ramp setpoint to 140 over the course of 90 seconds
    2, 0, 0 //Wait for PID Input to cross setpoint
    1, 220, 80 //ramp setpoint to 220 over the course of 80 seconds
    2, 0, 0 //Wait for PID Input to cross setpoint
    1, 50, 150 //ramp setpoint to 50 over the course of 150 seconds
    2, 0, 0 //Wait for PID Input to cross setpoint
    3, 0, 0 //Step Setpoint to 0, wait 0 seconds
    127, 0, 5 //buzz for 5 seconds

    And my settings:
    Kp: 15
    Ki: 0.02
    Kd: 0

    To the temperature drop problem: I don´t think there is any loose connection outside or inside the osPID. I tried 3 different thermocouples and all of them had these little errors (randomly, some curves worked fine without an error, others with more than 5 errors). Also I can´t reproduce these error by wobbling the cables and/or osPID… It’s random…
    Nevertheless i will check the solder points inside the osPID.

    Post count: 7

    hello together,

    I finally got my ospid yesterday and after some tuning I get fantastic curves (in this case i opened the door a bit too late):

    I wonder why I get some temperature drops? I tried various K-Type and i get always these measurement-errors. Does anyone else get these errors?

    Greetings from germany,

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: Autotuning #3852

    Hi guys,

    after some trouble with the german customs i finally got my ospid controller today! It´s working so far (with big overshoot at default values), but i really don´t know how to use the AutoTune command.
    I toggled to automatic control. After setting the setpoint, the oven started to heat. Then i activated the autotuner, but the oven is heating and heating and heating… I manually turned it off at >200 degrees.
    Also I tried to wait for the oven-temperature is at 100 degrees and then turned on the autotune, but then i have the same problem. It will heat up to 200 degrees and greater.

    What am i doing wrong? I really don´t understand that… can someone help me please?

    Edit: I got it! Thanks anyway 🙂

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