Home Forums Software No go on Front End on Windoze and Linux 64 bit

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  • zirogravity
    Post count: 2


    I have completed the following steps:

    Windoze 7 64 bit and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit with update to Oracle Java

    1. Updated firmware
    2. Downloaded Processing 2.1.1 and installed in Program Files on Windoze and/or userhome on Linux
    3. Downloaded ControlP5 and moved/copied to Processingsketcheslibraries (user working directory and not processing main directory)
    4. Added javaw.exe to path on windoze

    If I try to run the application after plugging the osPID into USB the following happens:
    1. On windoze: Nothing but task manager shows that javaw.exe is running
    2. On Linux : Java (VM) complains about ELF compatibility on RX/TX library (I am assuming these are 32 bit vs the 64 bit os I am running on)

    If I try to run the front end sketch directly from processing after plugging the osPID into USB the following happens:
    1. On windoze and Linux: processing complains that it cannot convert from radio button to toggle

    Guidance on best steps and path of least resistance would be appreciated.

    Edit/Update #1: I just found a 64bit version of the RX/TX libraries on Linux and it seems to work albeit I get some complaints that there is a version mismatch and some error. I will keep digging but I assume a similar solution on Windoze exists.
    Would still like to figure out fix for running precompiled application. Appears to be related to rxtx libraries??

    Edit/Update #2: On Windoze and Linux it appears the Processing sketch can be run if the following line (circa line number 190 is edited in the osPID_FrontEnd.pde)

    from: Toggle t = theRadioButton.addItem(theName,theValue);
    to: RadioButton t = theRadioButton.addItem(theName,theValue);



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